CC Moore Ultra Monster Crab Essence – 100ml


Strong, distinctive, meaty shellfish flavour that is extremely effective in both boilie and hookbait mixes. Blends well with most flavour types.


2 in stock



CC Moore Ultra Monster Crab Essence Properties:

  • Thin, golden brown coloured liquid flavour
  • Incredibly strong, meaty shellfish aroma
  • Very distinctive, deep crustacean-type taste
  • Very soluble flavour disperses well in all water temperatures
  • Highly attractive to Carp, Catfish, Barbel & other species
  • Superb in any savoury mix, alone or combined with other liquids
  • Phenomenal hookbait and pop up flavour
  • Flavour base: Mono Propylene Glycol
  • pH 7.5 – neutral

Usage Tip: 

Use at up to 10ml/kg in boilies and loose feed mixes or at up to 10ml/egg when making high-attract hookbaits. Excellent when combined with other products that have a fish, meat or spice profile.

Customer Guidance: 

This product should be stored cool, dry and out of direct sunlight.